Floral for summer RO & EN

Buna dimineata dragele mele!

Am inceput sa scriu acest post imediat ce am venit de la sala si mi-am pregatit micul dejun: cafea, un pahar cu apa, si un sandwich cu rulada de curcan si rosii. Am descarcat degraba pozele de pe aparat, facute ieri. Nu sunt atat de multumita de ele, nu au iesit ca de obicei, si asta dintr-un singur motiv: lumina. Lumina este foarte importanta in orice cadru al fotografiilor. Daca lumina este nepotrivita, pana si cel mai frumos moment, cea mai frumoasa tinuta, coafura sau machiaj, vor iesi nepotrivit si departe de realitate.

Morning, darlings!

I have started to write this post immediately after I came from the gym and made breakfast: coffee, a glass of water & a turkey breast & tomatoes sandwich. I downloaded yesterday’s pics from the camera. I wasn’t so happy as I normally am, because of the…light! Light it’s really important in every picture. If the light’s inappropriate, even the most beautiful moment, outfit, hairstyle or make-up won’t look real in the picture.

Oricum, am ales sa postez totusi fotografiile, pentru a va arata o tinuta ideala pentru vara. Ocazia a fost una, desi banala, speciala. Am iesit sa mancam in oras (mama mea, iubitul meu si cu mine), intr-o seara de duminica placuta. Inainte de a merge la locul nostru preferat pentru a savura favorita mea (salata de pui!), ne-am oprit in parc pentru a face cateva poze pentru voi.

Anyway, I have decided to show you the pics, to show you the ideal summer outfit in my opinion. It was a simple yet special occasion: my boyfriend, my mom and I went for dinner on a lovely summer Sunday evening. Before going to our fav eating place to enjoy my favorite (the chicken salad!), we stopped in the park to take a few shots for you guys.

Trebuie sa recunosc, cand ma gandesc la eleganta, am doua lucruri in cap: rochii sau fuste. Iar lungimea…midi! De asta am ales pentru seara de Duminica o rochita florala, in culorii vii (galben, mov, roz), cu o talie bine marcata care cu siguranta avantajeaza pe oricine, indiferent daca purtatoarea este deja o norocoasa cu o talie bine marcata de la natura, sau nu! In picioare am oscilat intre niste sandale beige de la Bershka si platformele pe care le-ati vazut si intr-o alta postare, de la Mei. Le-am ales pe cele din urma, datorita comoditatii lor. Surpriza! Am renuntat la geanta fara niciun regret, e atat de placut sa nu ai geanta!

I have to admit: when I think about elegance two things cross my mind: dresses or skirts in midi length! That’s why I chose a floral dress with warm colours (yellow, purple, pink), with a very well marked waist, that suits everyone: both the girls with a very nice waist and the girls who need their waist to be emphasized. I was unsure about the shoes, at first I wanted to wear my beige sandals from Bershka, but then I chose these black platform sandals that you already seen in one of my older posts. I chose the black ones because they’re so comfy! Surprise! I gave up the bag this time with no regrets and it was amazing having no bag to carry around!


Aceasta este rochita, trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost un chilipir, cumparat la reduceri din Next sau New look (nu-mi aduc aminte),si desi am cumparat-o acum 2 ani este prima oara cand o port, am regasit-o la organizarea garderobei,

This is the dress, I have to admit it was a catch, I bought it at sales from Next or New look-can’t remember-, and even though I bought it 2 years ago it’s the first time I wear it, I just found it when I re-organized my wardrobe.



Am vrut neaparat o curea care sa para a fi cumparata o data cu rochia. Am cautat-o si am gasit-o la un pret modic la zara. Este tipul meu preferat de curea: subtire si intr-o culoare statement. Perfect!

I desperately wanted a belt to look like it came together with the dress. I eventually found it at Zara, at a really cheap price. It’s my fav type of belt: thin, and in a statement color. Perfect, I love it!


Am purtat un machiaj simplu, nuante de nude, si buze colorate (favoritul meu, de altfel!). Nu ma dezlipesc de eyeliner indiferent de sezon, daramite de rujurile in culori aprinse! Ce sa fac, gandul imi este mereu la cald, la mare, la iubire….

I wore an easy make up with nude shades and pink lips! I can’t get rid of the eyeliner no matter of the season, but especially I can’t give up on strong lipsticks! Well, I always think about sun, sea, love…




Saptamana viitoare plec la mare! Insa pana atunci ne auzim cu un post bomba despre cum putem folosi si refolosi lucruri despre care nu aveati idee ca nu trebuie sa le aruncati!

Next week I’m off…holiday! But until then I will come up with a new post about using and re-using stuff you never thought you shouldn’t trash!

Love all,


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